Monday, 16 April 2007

The Weight is over....geddit....wait...weight ...I'm such a funny baby...

A day at the peaceful baby clinic....I think not! Chaos reigned supreme at St Marks Medical centre. You adults really do not have your stuff together do you? After arriving at 1pm, I was eventually weighed at around 1.45pm and then had to wait a further 45 minutes for the pleasure of getting jabbed in the leg by some nurse (who was quite nice really) THREE times. I really think it's time that Babies took over the world and you adults can obey our every word. Sigh. Sigh again. Can you believe that we were 4th in line? Anyway Momma and Daddy said that we don't have to go back there ever again if we don't want to. That is unless I catch a nasty bug, which I really do not plan to do.

Then, if that was not traumatic enough, those parents of mine took me down to the town to...(sigh) I hate shopping. How many times do I have to say it? So once again I made my thoughts very clear to my dear parents, but I am beginning to realise that screaming is not really getting through to them. I have considered speaking to them, but once they realise I'm fluent in 7 different languages including Cantonese, they'll be calling the tabloid newspapers and I really can't deal with paparazzi right now.

But, back to the point. My weight. Did you know it's quite rude to ask a person his weight, but because it's only you guys, and I'm sure I have your complete confidence, I will tell you that I'm a rather skinny (cough cough) 16lb 11oz (which is 7.6kg for all the metric addicts) And also a tall 64.5cm. For all you non Europeans out there, that's 2ft and 1.2 inches. It's official. I am big (but mpst of my weight is due to large brain mass).

Well have to sleep off these injections. More soon.

Take care of each other, and who knows, I may see you soon.



1 comment:

Ben's Auntie said...

That's not too big, my little bennie wennie! I think you are JUST RIGHT! I hope they will still feed you since they seem to make you feel as if your weight is a problem.